Fairfax County covers an area of 395 square miles and has a population of 1.1 million people which is greater than the population of seven states. It’s budget is larger than four states.
The Fairfax County Police Department has over 1,300 sworn officers and a national reputation for innovation and a low tolerance for crime. It is the 33rd largest police district in the country. Similarly, the County has some of the finest public schools in the Commonwealth and its school system is also nationally recognized for excellence. The school budget for FY10 is over two billion dollars.
Locust Hill is located in the public school district that includes Colvin Run Elementary School, Cooper Middle School and Langley High School. In addition, there are several very good private schools in the area to include Country Day School, The Langley School, The Madeira School, McLean Montessori, Oakcrest, Potomac School, and Saint Luke’s Catholic School.
Fairfax County has an elected Board of Supervisors consisting of nine members elected by district, plus a Chairperson elected at large. Locust Hill is located in the Dranesville District which is in the northwest section of the County. Both the Dranesville Supervisor and the McLean District Police Station are co-located in the Government Center building at 1437 Balls Hill Road in Mclean.
To learn more about Fairfax County and the Dranesville District, please visit the following websites:
Here is a link to a very useful web application called My Neighborhood:
My Neighborhood is an Internet mapping and information reporting application. It lets you know what features and county facilities are available in and around your neighborhood. The information is broken down into logical business groups called Views. Right now there are four views: General Information, Parks , Demographics, and Police Incidents. Each view has unique map types and unique reports. Map types allow you to see different layers of information about the same area. Reports contain detailed information about a specific area. For more information on reports and map types associated with each view check the detailed content help.